The Lost Book Of Remedies
The Lost Book Of Remedies (no affiliate link) is an evergreen product- it sells generally year round because the information is rarely dated.
It is on the top list of Clickbank products with the following stats:
- average sale $37.39
- HOP click through rate of 3.73%- which is huge. So some of the other products that are high on Clickbanks list are roughly around 0.1-1%. This product roughly states that 3 in every 100 will buy.
When you go onto the website you will find nothing else apart from the video. The video when played offers some true cool insights that are very subtle but very powerful:
- it is a sales page within a video. Nicole discusses who she is and her accomplishments.
- she names well known institutions as references and even shows video of the TV program which she has been on. This is powerful stuff
- the video is not "professional" (the sound changes) but this makes the video even more compelling. The walk around nature, the side swipes of pictures. Everything looks like "I am not a professional camera operator but I just want to show you my product".
- most of the backgrounds are green and natural
- I like it and I dont that there are no bonuses being offered. I think that the product should be enough.
- there is a really good affiliate page that contains tons of pictures/ banners/ emails
So can we actually help the Lost Book Of Remedies?
It is quite hard because you have to think about 2 things:
- not to take away the original production. Increasing effects and pizzazz might not be the right thing to do
- who are the audience? Does the audience believe you if you increase pizzazz. Would it just look like a sales page?
It is a difficult dilemma. But it is one that can be sorted out.
But again, remember we are coming from this as potential customers- not reviewing the product but figuring out if the sales page persuades us to buy.
- Video info. We need to move some of the information out of the video and then apply it to the screen. This is the main issue with the "sales page". Even when writing this article I was forgetting where Nicole was educated. But. I couldnt go back in the video to check it out- there are no controls if you are not tech savvy. So all the institutions need to be displayed- if not, then your certificates of education. Next the TV spot needs to be stated- or at least "Nicole Apelian as seen on the History Channel". And these need to be graphics above the fold.
- Books. it might be super clever to have the books appear when you swipe past them on the screen, but I was looking for the books and then they appeared. Does you CRT reduce if the books are on screen?
- Dr. You should state that you are a PhD Dr within your name. It is just a credibility booster that just shouldn't be stated within the video
- Price. Have you checked if you should increase the price of the digital book and the digital book + hard copy book?

- ?. Could be us, but are you supposed to tell people how they are going to receive their product especially if it is a Clickbank product (immediate download if a digital product)
- Demo. It would be nice to see a few pages of the product- or at least better pictures of the physical product- it looks huge compared to an iPad
- References. Again, these shouldn't just be in the video, but how about some references from people who have bought both. The physical product would be a good picture for people to send to you. Especially in relaxing environments, making preparations based upon your book in a kitchen environment
- Testimonial 2. The testimonial from you having MS is quite powerful. However you mentioned healed from a crippling disease. Is this with Clickbank rules? I get uncomfortable when medication and pills are discussed in a sales pitch. Especially things like:
All these was taken from the video. Then we have about the product working:
That is why you need testimonials. The claims might work, but can you show that they do? Are there any articles that back up a specific plant that can help with symptoms? This could be a link to another page full of references but it would help to remove some of the questions that the video might pose.
- Footer. Again we have a friend that seems to be appearing on some of these sales pages: "Some names and places that appear in this video have been changed to protect the identity of the persons.". Now we could only find Nicole in the video who has been named (we get glimpses of other people but they arent named. There are gardens where Nicole grows her products, theres a kitchen, fireplace. And they all might be true but placing a piece of text like that just throws up a red flag.
A better sales page
Guess where that picture is from? It was found doing a quick search on Nicole (who has quite a cool blog). It has everything that is described here but not the link that Clickbank provides which is Oddly enough, both are sold through Clickbank. It would be nice to know the CTR for the other landing page. When you read it, it makes it much clearer about the product and what you actually get. You can also interact with the video, it has cool testimonials, pictures odd footer.
As always, we wish The Lost Book Of Remedies all the best.
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