The Best Affiliate Marketer To Follow? You Should Do The Musician Technique.

best affiliate marketer

Unsure if we are gonna get some heat for this best affiliate marketer to follow post. But we think it should be written down somewhere.

There are tons of marketers online who promote their own courses. Most of these are affiliate courses. And the vast majority are how to become an affiliate.

It is also cyclical. They sell their product using a blog- that you found. They then tell you to sell online using a blog to sell.

For us, there are 3 ways you can look at this:

  1. Why sell your secrets and create a ton of competition?
  2. If you are selling through affiliate channels then just keep on selling what is making you money. If it is making you money then why sell the information to make more money? "Never do something that you are good at for free"? This is constantly being sprouted online. It is from a movie, so not real life business advice.
  3. Most of the most successful affiliate companies are making millions per year. And I can tell you for a fact they have no intention of telling you how they do it.

The flawed idea behind following the best affiliate marketer

When people buy Warren Buffet books on how to be a great in business they are looking at someone who is successful in business right?

Well yes and no.

Warren is good at finding businesses that are undervalued but not necessarily does he run them day to day. He moves in the talent to do that.

Warren is good at very specific things, that is his sphere of competence- which he constantly states. He also began with the sun, moon and stars aligned just right for him at a time that was just right for him. Those set of circumstances can not be repeated.

Copying someone on how they created X, Y and Z is difficult because you do not have the same circumstances that created that initial growth.

Copy Steve Jobs? How? How can you do that? Maybe ask more questions to a board, make design the focus of your products?

Copy Jeff Bezos? Create an online bookstore? Already been done :) Maybe the managerial ways? Maybe, but those ways are also ingrained with a culture that has been built up with thin profit margins and trying to figure out a way to constantly evolve. How many Dot Com businesses have folded and tried to do Amazon? Many.

So who should you follow then?

best affiliate marketer 2

Actually no-one. The best affiliate marketer for your audience


No-one is going to be in the same situation as you. Their circumstances that made them profitable will only work for the steps that they walked. Also, more than likely they forgot multiple steps and situations that occurred to them along the way.

You are not going to get all the steps. Also, the techniques that they used might not work with the audience that you are going to target anyway?

The best way is to do the musician technique.

If you want to be successful and have nice music then you don't copy musicians that you like. You:

  • Check out musicians that are within the niche that you enjoy
  • Figure out the best ones
  • Find out why they are the best 
  • Listen to everything that they have done
  • Use that as a foundation to your own style

So you get the influence but you don't copy. You use research and following as a foundation to your own style and business.

We follow only a very small handful of online "marketing celebs" because we have found that:

  • Their views and opinions seem to match our own
  • They are selling/ promoting in a way that we like and are familiar with
  • Over time they release their foundation and you can figure out how they started

Time and time again you will find that you can not recreate their success. What they started upon doesn't exist any more, it doesn't work or it is just too competitive.

Foundation of affiliate selling is...

best affiliate marketer 3

This is something that not that many people will tell you.

Anyone can sell an affiliate product. It is like selling your own product but you don't have to deal with any shipping. But. The only way to sell an affiliate product is:

  1. To have an audience that responds to your words and actions
  2. Pay the audience to listen to your words and actions

The most successful affiliate partners are ones that do either (or sometimes) both of the above.

You audience will become responsive to you and you will start to figure out what your audience likes or doesn't. This is done easily by:

  • Looking at comments
  • Look at video or article stats (early leaving, higher traffic)

No-one can tell you what your audience likes or not- you have that data and you can make more of one thing and less of another depending upon what your audience responds to.

Sometimes it has to do with more traffic, sometimes it has to do with conversion rates. But ultimately it depends upon how your audience interacts with you and your content in the first place.

First thing to do?

  • Look online for brief overview of affiliate and affiliate selling. Here is a nice link for that :)
  • Second. Just start creating content. If you like Youtube, go with that. If you like blogs, go and upload content.
  • Make sure you can interact with your visitors
  • Look at your stats and see which pieces of content are getting more views- make more of the higher ranked ones
  • Can you add fuel to the fire by adding in some social aspect?
  • Can you start to figure out if there are any products that could be promoted to the audience based on their preferences and concerns?
  • Buy the product and then write about it. Positives and negatives. Note it all down- its additional content.
  • How has it helped you, how can it help them?
  • Some people will buy, some won't.
  • Add more content and repeat
  • Do an update from time to time on the affiliate product 1, 3 and 6 months later to keep peoples interest up. Answer questions from people who bought the product.

Jasonera blog? Check it out here.

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