You have signed up to whichever vendor (e.g. Clickbank) and you now have their affiliate promotion ebooks. How do you sell that?
So when you sign up to a vendor you will find that they have an assortment of different things to help you sell. So these can be headlines, Adwords keywords, articles and ebooks. It sounds awesome. Just put one or two of these on your website and watch the cash roll in.
Unfortunately, that is never how it is.
Most of the time it is wrong.
Sometimes you have something that is really awesome, but they are few and far between. Why?
Can you see the issue here?
There is no personalisation for each affiliate that signs up. Also, the number of affiliates is not capped or thinned out. So you could be competing against 100 other affiliates. That is a little bit more difficult.
It assumes you dont know the business/ niche. It is also very reliant on you getting to your audience first. Because, what happens when your audience (who might have other websites bookmarked) sees the same "original content" on another website. There is a chance trust will reduce.
You are also relying on the vendor to be truthful. Most are, but unfortunately some aren't.
Your audience is like a gold mine and it needs to be looked after. You should be able to tell what your audience is after, in what format and ultimately: what their pain points are and also what makes them happy
Most audiences want truthful information from the source that they trust. Which is why they have signed up to you- for an honest opinion.
Sadly, most email lists/ fan pages treat their audiences like a gold mine and try to take everything from it. This never works in the long term.
So if you do find an affiliate ebook that you enjoy why don't you buy the product.
If you don't want to buy the ebook then why should your audience? If you don't think it is going to help you then don't push it onto someone else.
Buying the product opens up a very wide range of selling techniques because you have done something that the vast majority of websites won't do: try the product.
Most successful websites get sent free products to try out, that is how they do it. But when you are starting out, no-one will send you the product for free (sometimes you can ask though). So you have to buy it. But buy it if it is going to help.
Once you try the product you will find a huge amount of information:
This then opens up huge potential for you:
Now these thoughts have just been generated by one product idea.
You can now claim your prize:
You can create your own ebook to sell this affiliate product. Heck, you have got 4 ideas just above in product ideas that no-one else can use. no-one else has got, no-one else is promoting. All these ideas then link through with your affiliate link.
Now you have the start of an affiliate system that could work for you.
You just have to tweak it to make sure that the content you produce is what people want. You can then take requests. What do people want you to check out. What products have you tried?
When you take a step back, who do you think people will trust?
This worked for one affiliate ebook buyer.
They bought an ebook manual on affiliate marketing and then posted a video on how the process was going.
The book was broken down by month so they followed the steps and created a video that documented their process and what happened after the month deadline. They answered questions through the comments and the video was well liked.
The product didn't live up to expectations. Which was odd because it was highly advertised and recomended by many people.
But what it did was something else.
It created local community businesses to ask this person on how to do it right. You see the person who uploaded the series had to find out how to actually do it right when things failed or didn't go according to the written plan.
They then found a lucrative side job in creating webpages/ SEO/ product pages/ maintaining web presence etc for local businesses.
Re-write any material that you find with something that comes from you. Map out the process of how the product helped you, what didn't help. What could help the product better?
Any material that is re-written is now your and no-one else online has got that. Your voice can come through and shine a light on the product.
You will get far more people clicking on an affiliate link with information that has helped them (and far fewer refunds because it has all been explained and stated before hand). Sure people will click through affiliate ebook links without them being changed.
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