Done For You Digital Marketing
I was reading an online newspaper (US Sun) and they were talking to a TikToker about side hustles and this new thing: "Done For You Digital Marketing"
They said it was the best thing ever. Here's the quote:
"Done-For-You digital marketing is completely LEGAL because of something called MRR (master resell rights)," Marie noted in the caption of her post.
"When MRR is attached to a product, the moment you buy it, it legally becomes yours and you can sell it as your own, as many times as you like, for 100% profit."
"This made me over $1,500 before I woke up today," she claimed."
Done for you digital marketing...
Done for you digital marketing is a shiny new name for an old marketing technique called Resell Rights. eBay is full of them.
What happens is the following:
- Someone creates a product- usually an ebook
- They sell it with resell rights (which also cranks up the price
- Now you can sell that product
Sounds cool doesn't it?
But. As with all easy income generators, you can get burnt pretty quickly.
Because of the following teeny tiny little things that everyone misses:
- You and many other people also bought the same product- unless it was limited at the point of sale. Master Resell Rights usually limits the sale of the product to 1-5 products only
- Many are linked to general resell rights. This is where you can sell the eProduct but you can not adjust the product in any way shape or form. Master Resell Rights offers you the opportunity to do whatever you want with the product.
Can you see the issues here?
- All it takes is a seller to sell more than a few Master Resell Rights to make the product not unique
- The amount of people who actually change the product are very minimal
- The amount of general resell rights is not usually capped. Also you can't do that much with it- if you want to be completely legal
- You still have to sell the product through a third party source- Amazon does not work with resell products.
- You have to make sure that the product is completely fine/ uptodate and actually factual.
You have to though make sure that you can resell the product though. It is not assumed that you can with all eProducts. eProducts by themselves can not be resold.
How are people selling them and making a profit?
Not a huge amount are. The ones that do already have an audience and then advertised the living daylights out of the product.
The example within the newspaper states that:
- She buys the product, resells it and promotes it
- 5-7 second video promoting the product
She also states that she does affiliate marketing. Their sequence:
- Find a product on a third party site like Clickbank
- Promote it to more than 100 followers
So no reviewing, no checking out the product before hand? Wasn't mentioned in the article.
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ebook selling and creating can be found here.
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