What Could Be The Best Digital Products To Sell?

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The most evergreen products to sell are usually the most effective and best digital products to sell.


As we stated: Evergreen is a topic that doesn't age that quickly. So tooth care is going to be around for a while, it is quite an ever green topic. Ever green topics are also ones that:

  • Need to be resupplied. If people only buy one item, never replace it or rarely fix it then it is a bad item to sell. iTunes is constantly being bought from
  • Question whether the issue can be fulfilled. How many diet plans are there?
  • Can an evergreen product adapt? So with tooth care you find “bicarbonate” and “natural” toothpaste  mirroring society’s more deeper thought on chemical products
  • Appeal? Evergreen products can (and should) be niche. But they tend to be the top portion of the niche pyramid. They tend to be aimed at a wider audience within the niche

But remember my definition of evergreen- doesn't age quickly. There is a huge misconception that ever green products stay the same. They don't.

  • they age out- a new diet plan, a new piece of software, different car maintenance products. These can be trending ideas, they can be side issues that might be able to incorporate into your product
  • competitors come in and flood the sub niche. So what is going to be your niche, how are you going to protect your niche product from others?
  • price and supply reduce. Over time price might reduce if you allow it
  • social changes demand changes in products. Can your product keep up with social norms or are you focused tightly into a niche audience? But remember, even niche audiences change over time.
  • research and news changes the product niche. Sometimes the news can instantly create niches or makes ones disappear. If you evergreen product is going to last then you need to be able to discuss niche changes.

Any examples of niches in the best digital products to sell?

best digital products to sell

The main idea? What can it do for the customer. Can it exploit a fear (fear of poor education and lack of a job). A concern that you could be losing stuff and being not that efficient (budgeting apps or financial gain/ loss). There is also a feeling of having lots for little and good entertainment in the comfort of your home (streaming services). Making someone feel better, feel like they can earn more, feel like they are part of something, they can look good with minimal effort are all timeless emotions that people crave.

Here are the top 3 evergreen niche factors.

Education. This can be for kid- helping with basic math skills for example. A great example of this is the Khan Academy- online schooling for free. Once The Academy started then people realised it could be done for free and now a ton of websites and Youtube channels have appeared with the same idea. And because parents and guardians want the best for their kids they will make sure the kids watch these- and usually to the end. If you can niche it even more- so the Maths Dr for example, then you can start to differentiate yourself within a niche but still be evergreen.

Adult education has been alive and well for many years. It can be for a job (required to progress or for increasing the resume). It can be personal- personal finance and time management to name a couple. Retirees are a huge number of forgotten demographic that spend a lot of time online. They like to be educated- especially in health related fields. Remember as well education can be "how tos", demonstrations, even unboxing and setting up devices.

Software. The range of apps have exploded on the scene. There is a range of properties to them as well such as and have made things just slightly better and have created groups of people that interact online. Such as Fitbit, ebook format, budgeting apps, Facebook, streaming services and large world game playing.

Entertainment. People always want to have fun. Whether it is buying new brands, watching movies, watching your Youtube star, playing games entertainment has always been an evergreen factor.


The most profitable niches incorporate those 3 factors each and every time

Finance. This allows you to discuss personal finance, educate people on how to increase, save or balance their income. You can partner with software or create plans- some of the best digital products to sell. The list of possibilities for this niche is huge. And because of the amount of money involved the amounts of rewards are greater. The high paying ad amounts, the high paying affiliate payouts, the best recurring incomes are found in this niche.

Health. A prime example of an evergreen niche. It is fairly competitive because of this. However there are also lots of people looking for different stress management tools, dieting aids, illness remedies that the industry keeps on evolving.

DIY. So many people forget this niche. But it offers everything the niche factors require. You can go into education of pros, beginners, apprenticeship. There is a steady supply and demand for products that updates all the time. Items wear out and need replacing. The cost of goods are high and in some cases people will only buy a certain manufacturer. 

The only way though to survive in this climate is to niche within the niche and then build out.

How do you maintain evergreen digital products?

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There are plenty of ways where your evergreen product can keep relevant. But only 3 seem to be the top 3:

1  Versions. Whether it is version 2, 2025 version, bonus new material…that evergreen product needs to be kept alive. The best example of this are:Windows. Roughly every couple of years Microsoft create a new Windows. Look at the iPad/ iPhone. A new version come out with a few more features than the previous version. If you go online, you will find content that has been updated with fresh information. Even music and movies do the same. How many versions of Spiderman are there? Songs can be re-released with different artists

2.  Repurpose. Your audience might like your ebook about diets and exercise in an ebook. But how about the people that don’t? You repurpose the same content and tweak it for video. Now you can sell the product with video at a slightly higher price and attract more people to buy. Out of those videos you can edit some into Shorts or advertisement material and upload to say Youtube. With those small videos you can link up to sections of your ebook and promote as a free sign up course. If you wanted to, you could make a Udemy or online course. So with just one ebook you have now created 3 different products in the aim to gather more subscribers or people who might not have read an ebook.

3.  Feedback. Products can only survive if people buy them. Customers are really in charge. So we need to listen to them. If the majority are stating that the product is too complicated to open, the read, the follow, to XYZ then we should listen. Not because they won’t buy again (which they won’t) but because any good feedback we get will always drive more sales. If we can’t tweak the product now what we can do is save up all the suggestions and our next version would be all those inputted ideas.

There must be a balance though? How do you keep with trends and have an evergreen digital product?

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The best digital products to sell balance the product and trends...it can be difficult. How do you create an evergreen product if your product has to be changed all the time?

Well, the main thought is to create a group around your product and that group should be your core audience. These will be the ones that tell us the good and bad of our product. They will be our fans. But our product has to meet their expectations.

Trends are only helpful if it is suitable to the product and not just drags everyone with it.

Take the Personal MBA for example. It on its 10th anniversary edition and has sold of writing 900,000 copies- which is a huge amount. So what else does Josh Kaufman do/ He updates his website with essays, thoughts and courses. So the book stays the same- apart from getting updated. Josh, creates courses to fill in where trends are being created.

I call this the keystone product. Your keystone product is one that brings everyone to you. It is what defines you and your “mission”. Every celebrity seller has a keystone product. Now, you can’t constantly update the keystone product every day in reality. So you create “best of the best” products that side step the keystone, keep with the theme/ niche and then answer the trending products. You could even do what Josh does and just write them done in a blog.

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