Eat Stop Eat

eat stop eat

Eat Stop Eat (no affiliate link) is a book package that is written by Adam Steer and Brad Pilon. The package is an intermittent fasting idea. The sales page is a typical sales page that dominated selling sites everywhere. This book/ ebook package is high on the Clickbank charts with impressive stats:

  • average sale- $23.39
  • HOP conversion- a huge 6.47%- which is really massive

When you read the sales page you can see why the higher than normal conversions.

It has many pluses:

  • the page is well written
  • not too sciencey but enough science to make a point and to back up some of the text
  • testimonials with pictures- if you have a look around online there are tons of good reviews for this product
  • not telling you not to eat but saying there is another way- which seems to better sell diet books
  • proper related bonuses. The email communication bonuses is really cool and should be promoted a little more.
  • decent cost with levels of price
  • there is an openness about the founders/ authors (inc Twitter handle)

So can we improve Eat Stop Eat sales?

In most cases like this, it can be a little difficult. But again, it is not until you are a customer do you see items which could or couldn't be used. Why things are missing and why some parts of the sales page structured the way that they are.

Again, we havent seen the product. This is just us, as a customer, looking at your sales page and wondering- would I buy.

This is one of a few pages where I would think about buying. So what can we do?

  • They do like to talk. There is a lot of text. But unsure why Adam is talking.
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All that text is by Adam and the first thing you see. I understand that Adam has gone through the diet process. But why isn't brad talking instead- the actual author? Brad is reduced to this:

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A "side bar". Now all the research and initial ground work was done by Brad. Now wouldn't it make more sense to get the science and author to speak first and then have the "side bar" of Adam?

The next picture?

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That text is about Calories. Just calories. I understand that they are trying to dispel myths, which is cool. But oh my, the text just keeps on going. Do you need all that to say "You don’t have to do it every day. There’s a simple strategy that allows you to stay below your personal threshold WITHOUT daily discipline, precise calorie counting, or giving up any of your favorite foods."?

There are other areas where too much text might be too much for the average person. Yes, the more text you have usually is a good thing in selling. But the long text is usually based upon selling- you write enough to get your point across. Which leads onto:

  • Video? This sales page is lacking video. Video would be a huge benefit. It would introduce the authors- or just one author and be quite free and chill style video. It would also eliminate some of those long texts
  • Credentials. Brad has an MSc- a Masters degree- in ? I am unsure (I found on Amazon that Brad has a graduate degree in Human Biology and Nutritional Sciences). But having that on the page- plus where he got it from would also be a good bonus. I am unsure what NSCA-CPT stands for after Adams name, but showing those credentials would also be a good idea
  • Charts. Charts are cool but I cant seem to find the part explaining where the data came from in building the charts:
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The ones above suggest that once gone through the Eat Stop Eat process then things in your body get better. But how is this known? There are no links or references that state this. There is even a passage: "In the minute before you start your first Eat Stop Eat protocol you’ll be burning fat at about 0.5 umol/kgFFM/min." But no reference.

  • Text part 2. Theres sooo much text:
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This text is inbetween the bonuses and the payment options. But oh my. With only a few words having bold. Nothing really sticks out to have a "reminder" of what you are going to get. Also, 5 paragraphs start with "whereas". No bullet points?

  • Price? The prices are decently high for the probable effort that has gone into the product. You also sell on Amazon for a cheaper version of the hard cover book, plus free with Kindle.
  • Bonus. I don't understand the Quick Start Guide bonus. It is probably a cool idea but it doesn't come across as something that is required. Maybe a travel version or a quick swap file of 200+ pages.

Anyway, we hope Eat Stop Eat all the success.

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