Start Selling More Ebooks By Using A Technique Used By Facebook In The Early Days.

Selling More Ebooks

Why are you trying to start selling more ebooks? Is that exactly what you want to do?

One of the questions that never gets answered is the point of what you are doing online. For most people reading this is to start selling more ebooks. But that in itself is just the covering, the overlay of the issue. Because if you sold 2 ebooks a day rather than 1 then you have clearly accomplished selling more ebooks :)

Because at the end of the day what is the point. What are you trying to achieve?

Websites and businesses have a Mission and an About page. So their Mission and About page guides their business/ website. All ideas need to go through the Mission test. A Mission statement is roughly "why are you doing what you are doing"?

So when you are selling an ebook you have to figure out what is the point of you starting that ebook in the first place.

It is not a “skip this part” and just drive people to your ebook. You need to figure out the why.


Because if you don’t then you could be wasting a lot of money and time in accomplishing very little.

Let me explain why the issue of selling more ebooks is not the problem you have

When you create an ebook, you just don’t “create an ebook”. You:

Figure out the goal- this long form content piece is going to do XYZ.

In the early days Facebook decided that they wanted growth and growth alone. Everything that they did focused on one thing: growth. Everything that they created/ marketed and bought had to be seen through the growth lens. If it didnt make Facebook grow it wasn't accepted.

Did you notice that money/ profit came in after growth? Growth was first.

Are you going to educate and increase brand awareness? Are you going to give people enough information and then push them to a preselling page which then converts people to an affiliate offer? Are you going to sell that ebook and have other people affiliate sell for you?

Each one of these side points also need to be thought of (they can also be combined). So,

  1. Brand awareness: You need to figure out what your brand is trying to say- what Mission or strict guidelines are required to focus on? Are you going to research new information or collate information from different sources?
  2. Ebook to presell and presell page: In this guise your information would need to show a “how to” a “why should I go further with this information”. Offering credentials, an overview of how something helped other people (who are the targeted audience of the affiliate product).
  3. Ebook to sell: If you have content which is helpful and is full of information, how tos, tips, tricks and information that is difficult to track down online then your ebook could sell. With any form of selling you have to ask yourself one question “why should I sell it and what can it offer that people can’t/ find it difficult to find online?”.

Once you have your goals you need then to figure out:

  • Who your target audience is
  • Do they really want that type of product- or your product in the first place?

Most ebook writers get this confused and write the ebook and then try to find the audience. This is very difficult and wastes your time. Finding an audience that wants a solution is far easier than finding a solution to a problem you have to find.

You hear it all the time “I am making XYZ book because it sells well”. For that person it does, but does your audience? Or an audience that you can get in contact with? There is also a thought that if there is a glut of ebooks on a certain subject, are there other media forms that have little competition?

When finding out your audience you will then figure out where this audience lives and looks around. You may find that the demographic actually shies away from Facebook (even for pleasure or keeping in contact). So you can post content as much as you want on Facebook but your audience might not necessarily interact with that content. It might take longer because friends/ relatives of your target audience might not share. Therefore you have some customers but not the larger potential that you were thinking of.

Your audience might even tell you that an ebook series might be a really good option. So one ebook links to the other and it sorts out a range of issues that are uniquely relevant to another but still kept within the same niche. You then sell more ebooks.

So once you have your audience, found out what their issues are and then created an ebook to tackle those pain problems you need to then get all your tracking in order.

You need to track:

  • where people came from- what article/ content di they like more to click through check out your book
  • once inside the book what happens then? Do they read to the very end and then link, or is there a link on every page in the footer?

And then the golden issue.

How are you going to contact the people who bought or downloaded your ebook? Are you going to have a sign-up page or are you going to risk it and have sign-up links within the ebook? Are you going to tempt them with a sign-up bonus if they subscribe to your newsletter?

Because you know that whoever downloads your ebook is actually interested in what you have to offer.

Once you have those conditions sorted out, then you will sell more ebooks.

Once you have the systems in order then to sell more ebooks is simple. Instead of slugging it out in the SEO ring, you will know:

  • exactly who you are targeting
  • what they want
  • how to deliver it to them
  • get them to buy more from you

Then, once all those systems are aligned then if you start to add paid advertisement- your sales will increase. Because paid advertisements targets a whole load of your target customer and drives them to your product.

Selling on Amazon? Then you you need to see how you can rank above your competition within Amazon search. Heres how its done.

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