Online sellers have a good indication of what works. Especially the ones who have been online selling items for a long time. In his widely known but vastly underrated book,12 months to 1 million, Ryan Moran astutely states “Once you’ve got sales for your product, your job becomes treating customers like gold, knowing that some of them will leave reviews”.
But the obvious question that most people ask is how many reviews. And if you think about it, you don’t need any. Items got sold before reviews. But now online is different- because of the trust factor. The next question. How many do you want? Ryan states: “Simple: as many as you can get”
But what does he mean by this?
Well, what we will find is that there is a limit on the number of reviews that you need. It is not set in stone how many, like 100 or 50. But after a certain amount, reviews are mainly an enforcing tool. 4000 reviews just shows that people have left a review and have (hopefully) liked the product. The number of reviews is a subconscious check mark to say, go for it. But you don’t need that many to sell there and then. You just need the right amount of reviews to clear away the amount of questions that a potential buyer has. That’s all. However, research has found that the amount of online reviews served as a useful indicator of the purchasing population’s ability to engage in post-purchase offline word of mouth communications.
Ryan states the following of good practise to get reviews:
Then we have Ecommerce Evolved by Tanner Larsson. He suggests rightly that everything that we do is to place the customer in the right buying decision and to make an informed choice. We are not saying buy now! We are saying- here is the issue, this is going to solve it, look at all the other people that it helped.
Tanner has also noticed something else. Reviews also help with SEO. And as search engines evolve quickly in the advent of AI, you will notice that more trust aspects are going to be applied to their results. So good reviews, higher rating are going to be posted as well as the product. This is called “rich snippets” and allows search engines to display your reviews right in the search results. According to Tanner: ”Our previous system of reviews didn’t include rich snippets, but the new system does and now product pages that never showed up on the search results before pop up on the first and second pages”. Does Tanner have some suggestions?
Getting good reviews results in increased customer buying. The main factors in a review which people will look at are the following:
But note that service and experience buried within the review will also play a part in increased sales.
Do you know what print and praise marketing is? No? Well its a great way to increase reviews.
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