Lord Vinheterio
Lord Vinheterio is a great pianist on Youtube. I believe the background is a concert pianist. I enjoy the channel. The hook? He stares at the camera while playing the piano.
The piano pieces are also cool, with the following being the most played:
- 10 songs you have heard and dont know the name
- top 10 movie songs on piano
- evolution of music (1680AD to 2017)
Now these might not seem to be the most original titles and other people have done them before. But Lord Vinheterio just has the stare, the piano...and just the music. It is also nicely presented, in a "just get to the music" type of style.
- the videos range from 100k to 38million views
- he applies music to games/ what the game music sound live just on the piano. Like Sonic 1:
- the Yotube shorts are ranging in the hundreds of thousands of views
- 7 million subscribers on Youtube
- 670 videos
- theres a 10 post Instagram page, 2639 followers
- 77 followers on Facebook, last updated in 2020
So theres plenty of traffic, views and good will from people. So what is Lord Vinheterio doing with all that traffic?
Lord Vinheterio products
It seems like
Lord Vinheterio
sells a music making/ learning the piano from scratch course. Which is wise because that is what everything is geared towards- the piano. So they are:
- piano lessons for beginners
- intermediate piano
- music theory
- learn electronic music
Now the question we all ask is. Would I buy the product?
Remember this is not a discussion on if the course or Lord V is any good. It is about, what you see, what you are linked to...would you buy it?
Flat out? No.
Ermm why?
The problem with Lord Vinheterio's products...or how Lord V can be better
You get this when you go to the Academy website:
This is the one and only screen for the complete package (piano beginners, intermediate and theory).
Its $299.99. But. If you wanted the just beginners, thats $149.99. Intermediate course: $149.99, music theory $59.99. So you save $59.99. But no-where does it state that.
Also there are some very large issues:
- I am unsure what the actual product is. So there are bonuses- one of them being 700 minutes of direct tuition with Lord V
- Now are they ebooks, online courses, printables? Is the course actually with Lord Vinheterio?
- Why is there a 14 day free trial? When the trial ends do I not get access to the course? If I buy the course then do I get free lifetime access. Also, this asks the question- access to what? Which again highlights point1- what actually is the product?
- Then you click on the buy button and have to create a login account (name and email) unsure what this is for- is this for the course, to have an account with the payment processor? The next step is the payment page:
Ahh...it is per year. But again, what per year. Do I get the 700 minutes per year?
- "Learn piano in just 15 minutes per day" is not the best of headlines. Because it could take me tens of years to do so.
- What does it mean when you say "buy 2 get one free"?. is this for schools, edu departments, businesses etc? If so, have a link that states "huge bonuses for businesses or schools" etc. But there isn't really a need to buy 2 is there?
- Now what I am really unsure about is the very lack of testimonials. There might be some around but just can not find them. This is highly important as these testimonials will back up everything that can be learned. Video, picture and quotes? Anything to get that trust level up.
- You really need to highlight what is involved with the actual course. These are the bullet points and teasers. Then you go into bonuses as a nice sweetener. Just the bonuses listed are probably worth the price of the course, but it also seems like the bonuses are the actual course. The course should be the main price and then bang, you hit people with bonuses. It should be a no-brainer to buy.
- Is there a difference between beginner and intermediate? Sounds like a silly question, but does intermediate go from grade 3 and up? I am just trying to think of what group this course could target. If you could use grades or some other musicial knowledge that would split up audiences so that you would get the right one to the right package- reducing refunds.
- There's no pictures (not even of the forum), no videos- which again sends subconscious signals up into the air because, at the end of the day, you are a Youtuber. Lets have a look at one of the work books, a glimpse of the 1 sheet music book (also what is that?)
- It would be nice to have a video of you at the very start, when you first load up the website staring into the camera. This would ground audiences and know that it is you. You could then offer a brief explanation of what this is. The video would also be added to your Youtube channel for extra traffic love.
- In the electronic music section I am unsure what it is about. Sure it states "create tracks from scratch" but how? The title and the pull down options tend to go towards creating sounds rather than creating pieces: "Learn objectively and quickly how to make the best tones of electronic music." doesn't suggest that you will be making electronic music tracks. Also, your
Lord Vinheterio
Youtube channel has predominalty piano music. I know there are one or two videos on electronic music but start to set up a sub channel on Lord V channel promoting the electronic music package. You can do what you did with the piano- 10 electronic pieces you don't know, electronic music in movies, game music...
- An affiliate signup page wouldnt be a bad idea.
- Email. It would be nice for you to set up an email newsletter. It would also be a good way to capture people who want to hear from you, listen to what you have to say and maybe then start thinking about buying a product
Ooh, and as an added point. It is usually a good idea to break up the ebook contents and list them as separate items then people can see the value in what they are getting. Adding on to that. Selling a $149 product is going to be hard with 1 page of minimal text. However, an entry level product might be the way to go that is about $20-50. You'll get more signups to this then more signups and less promotion for he higher ticket items.
As per always we wish
Lord Vinheterio
all the best
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