Ebook Resell Rights. The Right Way To Profit

resell rights

We have gone through ebook resell rights gently with our eBay ebook selling article. But this one increases the content and tries to give examples on how to profit the right way if ebook reselling is what you want to get into.

We originally posted this article on Medium.com...then we thought, why give them the SEO love? So we took it down and posted it here.

Hope you enjoy.

Ebook Resell Rights? How To Profit And Dominate Your Competition (Hint: Don’t Resell Like They Say).

Ebook resell rights or “instant ebook selling” seems to be a new marketing method that has been around for many years. The idea is that you buy someones ebook then sell it however you see fit.

A one off buy and multiple after sales. Doesn’t seem like a bad idea.

If I gave everyone, who bought an ebook package, the sales copy (which can be copied from the website anyway, who is to stop you?) then there is gonna be a lot of similar websites out there. If I gave you the html and pictures as well, your site is gonna be similar to many sites out there and your earning potential decreases.

When authors of resell packages give you the pictures and text to use, the vast majority of people will sell what they are given.

Google will also look at similar sites as spam, especially if everyone who bought the package submits to Google. Then you have the directories. If you submit the same site as everyone else then you are gonna be rejected.

The key to making cash with resells.

This is what a lot of people do not understand and it is what a lot of publishers do not talk about. Why? Because it will wreak their business.

To make money with resells you should never resell the package.

Strange I know, but some marketing genius thought of resell ideas to make money and the only people to make money are the publishers.

You see if someone sold this ebook at $10 and another at $5 and another for free then most people will go for the free one.

Check out this eBay listing:


Same ebook, different sellers, different prices.

Amazon? They don’t take resell ebooks.

The key to resells.

Many moons ago, Ken Evoy is the creator of Site Buld It! made quite a bit of money indirectly “selling” resells. Ken worked very hard to achieve success and he continually does so. If you bought one of his ebooks you got a lot of bonus stuff with it. You even got another full priced ebook from a top author for free.

If you signed up for his affiliate program, the 5-pillar affiliate program, then he gave you some expensive tracking software for free. What was the end result?

Ebook sales went up and affiliate sign-ups went up.

People talked about it and spread the word. The affiliates themselves were happy because they had something that worked great and was free, a sort of “thank-you for joining”.

However he explained how he did it. What he did was to buy up some resell packages that were related to his business or could help his business in some way. Then he did what 90% of all resellers don’t do:

He gave them away for free.

Master ebook resell rights

With all this resells and master resells there has to be some small print. I am no lawyer but the following is a nice outline.

Resell rights allows you to resell an ebook as you see fit. However if you change anything then that is not allowed. The author has the copyright.

Master resell rights allows you to change anything within or external to the ebook.

So always read what you can actually do with the product.

Resell products by themselves are not the cash cow that people make out.

The real cash machine is the adding of additional material.

If you don’t do this you will eventually loose sales, why?

lose ebook sales

Well have you seen some sites that give away free ebooks so that you can sell on, or free sites that offer resell products? When you go searching through the products the majority are OK, but there is a large amount that are just plain bad.

The problem comes when a customer is actively hunting the Internet for something to buy and the sellers offers these ebooks as a $37 value etc. Sometimes they get funny and they package these resell books with completely unrelated merchandise. Do they get the sale…no.

People see these ebooks everywhere. The same covers, the same sales copy, even the same authors, so the likeliness of a sale is near nil.

Always, always…and I will say it again…always create a twist in what you get.

It will only take you a day or a couple of evenings to do. Orrrr

  1. You give the ebook away for free
  2. Make the ebook a lead magnet to a signup or a thank you to subscribers
  3. Add them as a link from your Youtube channel as a thank you/ read for further information
  4. You add more content and make it a package.
  5. You create an long form article and list it on your website- crediting the author (with their consent because you still are changing the ebook)
  6. Ask AI to read through the ebook and make a couple of articles related to the topic.

How does this work practically in a niche that you have no idea about?

We had a website that was in the acne niche. There’s lots of dermatology websites out there and competition is fierce. We also had little idea of skin issues. So what did we do?

  1. We created a website using keywords to generate the articles and to find SEO love. The articles we made by us. We made 5–10 articles of decent length. All we did was paraphrase and redo existing content and added information that we found along the way. ProActive was a hot item so we wrote about the founders. We talked about how acne is formed. We went through the ingredients of Proactive (separating the individual products into separate articles). Any Youtube video that was related we added it to an article.
  2. We found free and resell ebooks on the topic of specific acne. Read through them (there was a lot of bad information because…we had already checked it out before hand). And collected the best of the free ebooks and packaged them into an Acne 101 Tool Kit. We tried to give it a price point and highlighted the same ebooks being sold at prices :)
  3. We used this as a lead magnet to our email list
  4. We gained subscribers slowly over time
  5. Added Adsense to the website and left it to passive income adding an article once to twice a month and highlighting those to our subscribers. Adsense clicks for acne wasn’t too bad at all.

You have to think what people want and how can it help you.

Some people have used ebook resell rights and free ebooks to create outlines of ebooks. In other words, to find topics that are covered, and that has generated Kindle and Clickbank products.

But don’t sell resell ebooks. They can be very useful, but tweak what you sell with them and make them work for you.

Once you have something slightly different you will notice an increase in sales or subscribers.

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