Can You Earn With Adsense? And The Category With The Highest Cost Is Not What You Think.

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First, off, can you earn with Adsense? Yes you can.

Right, article done :)

The problem what you will find is that Google doesn't allow you to tell your rates or income from Adsense. Probably because people will copy each others websites.

There's also a large amount of competitors out there. Some are better than others. But today we shall focus on Adsense. It's been out for a while so no need to explain what it is.

But first.

What are the prices of clicks? Can you earn with Adsense?

Most people go straight to the amount of money clicks will give them and build up websites from that.

Google knows this, so you will find that you don't get the best clicks initially. A new site will not get the best clicks. Some of the welknown sites that are making thousands a month are being helped by Google. In that case they seem to get better ads. Because at the end of the day they are more trustworthy.

Google actually gives us a rough idea on how much we can expect payouts to be. You can check it out here.

We checked on Americas (because different regions give different prices. For instance for 50,000 page views on Arts/ Entertainment:

  • Americas- $900
  • Asia- $1000
  • Europe/ Middle East/ Africa- $900

So these figures are for 50,000 page views in the Americas:

  • Auto- $1500
  • Beauty and Fitness- $1500
  • Books/ Literature- $700
  • Business/ Industrial- $2000
  • Computers/ Electronics- $2600
  • Finance- $2000
  • Food and Drink- $1500
  • Games- $700
  • Health- $2000
  • Hobbies- $1600
  • Home and Garden- $8000
  • Internet- $1600
  • Jobs and Education- $1800
  • Law and Government- $1800
  • News- $500
  • Online Communities $1000
  • People and Society- $1000
  • Pets and Animals- $1400
  • Real Estate- $1600
  • Reference- $1400
  • Science- $1400
  • Shopping- $1600
  • Sports- $600
  • Travel and Transportation- $1700
  • Law and Government- $1700

So we are all going to go into home and garden :)

Who would have thought?

But. Insurance is always a nice Adsense earner, always has been (but tons of competition). So what are those results?

When you look at Googles Keyword Planner you will notice that Car Insurance comes up with $8-$30 per click.  Business Insurance? $15- $78 per click. Oddly enough, "cheap insurance" just gets $7-$27/ click.

Now most people jump on these and expect the high price numbers. Even in their own niche they hunt for the high keyword prices.

But. :

  • You just get a percentage of the click
  • That click is dependant upon someone actually clicking on those ads. And those click through rates are not the best
  • Your ads and site is ranked. As said before, older websites seem to get favourable rates
  • Higher trafficed websites also seem to get "better treatment"

So what can affect monthly revenue?

1. Website Traffic:

If your websites traffic is less than 50,000 then those values are going to less. Admittedly they are a rough guide, but more traffic the more chance that someone is going to click on your ad

2. Click-Through Rate (CTR):

Typical CTR ranges from 1%–3%.
Example: 10,000 monthly pageviews with a 2% CTR and $1 CPC = $200/month.

3. Ad Placement and User Experience:

Well-placed ads (e.g., above the fold, within content) generate more revenue. Pictures and full screen ads are also high earners. But too many ads can hurt the user experience which in turn can hurt search traffic.

4. Geography

As seen above, depending on what part of the world you live can reduce (or increase) ad rates

5. Delivery

Now this depends, but website/ blog traffic seem to generate a higher CTR than a Youtube channel. Now this has to be taken carefully and apple compared to apples. If you are running a Channel that is about sports then those click throughs are going to be less- $600 for website. And remember those rates are 50,000 views...however

A million views roughly generates $12,500 within Sports.

earn with adsense

As fun. Guess what sports insurance pays per click?

$2-$13/ click

So. Even if your niche might not be directly related to some of the higher paying keywords, you can actually still find the higher priced keywords and keep your site on topic.

The main problems that can hinder your earn with Adsense are:

  • Maintaining the traffic and content
  • You are assuming that all of your monies are coming from one source. Well it seems fine in theory it is wiser to spread your bets and have some other income running around in the background
  • Google can change the terms when they want. They can also throw in a search update that changes website positions
  • Ad blockers = no ads = no revenue
  • You need to analyse what ad astyles work, a change in ad can increase or decrease CTR

People have experienced ups and down with Adsense (and other context ads) in that some months can be wonderful and others be very poor.

Which ever way you go. If you can't make money with affiliate selling on one page then throw in some ads to make that page profitable. And vice versa.

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